What Should I Post On Social Media? 5 Post Ideas for Every Week

2024 Update: I no longer use Facebook or Instagram to market my business. Instead I use my YouTube channel and my blog. I hope you still find the information below helpful if you decide to market with FB! If you have any specific questions about this decision, feel free to send me a chat using the chatbox in the bottom corner of your screen.

Teachers often ask me about what to post on social media. They understand the important of having a Facebook page for their business, but they just aren’t sure what to say. That’s why I’ve created an infographic with 5 Themed Posts for Social Media.


Why Post on Social Media?

If you are wondering why posting to social media is necessary in the first place, consider how many people you know have a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account. Chances are, you know someone who owns one or more of these! The reality is, a lot of our time nowadays is spent in front of a screen. Knowing this, we want to take advantage of that opportunity and bring attention to our tutoring business.

It’s Not All About Promoting Your Services

Some tutors think that social media is a place where they can market their tutoring business frequently in order to find more students. While there is a time and space for that, only 1 in 5 of your posts should be marketing your tutoring services. Why? Because, first of all, Facebook is not designed to be one big advertising platform. Mark Zuckerberg designed the platform as a place for interaction and connection. That’s why you want to post more than just promotional information.

“Only one in five of your posts should be marketing your tutoring business.”

What To Post on Social Media

So now that you know that social media should be more than just promoting your online tutoring business, what should you actually post? Well I came up with 5 different ideas for you, based on a Monday - Friday schedule. This does not mean you have to post five days a week. Choose a frequency that works best for you.

For example, one week you can post on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then the following week, you might post on a Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The key is to post regularly. You don’t want to post and ghost. In other words, you don’t want to post for one week, then disappear for two months. Because people will think you stopped tutoring!

“You don’t want to “post and ghost”. Make sure you are posting on a regular basis. At least a few times a week.”

So here are my ideas on what themes you can post:

MEET ME MONDAY - Share something about yourself

TEACH ME TUESDAY - Teach your followers a skill from your subject area

WORK WITH ME WEDNESDAY - Let potential clients know about opportunities to work with you

TESTIMONIAL THURSDAY - Share a testimonial from a happy client

FUN FRIDAY - Ask followers to share a GIF to represent their weekend plans

Want to save these ideas for later? Be sure to Pin this image below:

If you’re looking on more specific ideas for what to post, you can check out my 15 Days of Facebook Posts calendar. This will give you an entire month’s worth of ideas for what to post, on a schedule of posting 3 times a week.

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