Episode 1: My Mission for the Sonia Teaches Video Podcast


Welcome to the Sonia teaches video podcast, where we talk about launching a YouTube channel, so that you can start generating more sales in your business without working more hours. Welcome to the show. In this episode, we're going to be talking all about the mission and purpose of this podcast, as well as explain the name of the podcast.

So, first of all, let's talk about our mission. My mission for you is to stop trading time for money so that you can be. Business. Doesn't require you to work 24/7 . We want to show you how to create sustainable marketing with YouTube so that you can spend less time on social media. So how does start a YouTube channel benefit you?

Well, it enables you to sell more of your courses or your digital products, if you have them and how does it affect your. Well, if you start a YouTube channel and you start selling more of your courses and digital products, you are able to start enjoying your vacations. Be more relaxed in your free time.

Have more time with your kids. Be more present as a parent and a spouse. If you are in a relationship and you become a better coach to your clients. So, how is my approach different than another YouTube strategist approach? Well, I really want to shift the narrative away from. Hustle culture. And I know if you are an able-bodied person and maybe you're used to working long hours, you don't have as much on your plate.

It could be really easy to get into hustling, working a lot and maybe being successful that way. But for me as a mom of two young children and having multiple illnesses, hustling is just not an option for me, even if I wanted to. So having a YouTube channel means that you don't have to be everywhere. You don't have to be showing up on every single platform.

You don't have to hustle and you can just enjoy your life more. So let's talk a little bit further about why you might be spending a lot of time on social media instead of creating more evergreen content on a YouTube channel. Well, you may see your favorite. Influencers that create tons of content.

Every day, they create reels. They create feed posts on Instagram. They're showing up in their stories. They're doing all the things they're also showing up on Facebook. Tick-tock every platform that there is. And one thing to keep in mind is if you have a big influencer or content creator that you follow chances are.

They have an entire team behind them. That's supporting them with creating this content. It is not their role alone to create all this content. So when you are seeing somebody that's a big entrepreneur, you know, they openly talk about, you know, making. Six seven figures in their business. Most likely they have a team of people behind them to support them through the entire process of being consistent with social media and showing up everywhere.

But for you and I, you might have an assistant, maybe you outsource certain aspects of your business depending on the level of business that you're at. But if you are. You know, on your own for the most part is solopreneur. Then you don't necessarily have the time or energy to be creating content in all these different places.

So that's why starting a YouTube channel can be so effective in helping you to save time and also earn more money without having to just struggle with. So you might be wondering how do we come up with the name? Sonia teaches video. Well, if you didn't know already Sonia teach is my married name. I know a lot of people get confused because I'm a former teacher, so they assume that it's just like a nickname, but that's actually my name.

And so I thought it'd be a fun plan where it's to say, Sonia teaches video. I bring that altogether. I didn't want to use YouTube as part of the name because, you know, trademark issues and things like that. Also, I didn't want to feel confined to just talking about YouTube because I think that video content in general can be so powerful.

We may not necessarily be talking about that in the next few episodes. The next few episodes, we'll definitely focus more on YouTube, but in the future we might kind of expand and talk more about just video content in general. So thanks again for listening and I'll see you in the next one.

I hope you enjoy the show. And if you did remember just subscribe and to stay updated, head over to my Instagram and Sonia_Teach I'm Sonia and I'll see you next time.


Episode 2: Why I Left Teaching


Trailer: What's Holding You Back From Starting a YouTube Channel?