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Teach Your Child to Read Sonia Teach Teach Your Child to Read Sonia Teach

Toddlers Can Read Review - My 9-Month Update!

Last January, I bought the Toddlers Can Read* course to help my son learn to read before kindergarten. My initial goal was simple: I wanted him to be able to read basic text, like the first book in the Toddlers Can Read course titled Tap, which contains a lot of three-letter words. My hope was for him to gain introductory reading skills, where he could go through a book and read words like "pat" and "rat." I wanted him to know letter sounds and read simple words.

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Sonia Teach Sonia Teach

What does your dream life look like?

It can be easy to get stuck in the day-to-day grind of running our business in order to reach our goals. But are the goals you've set truly yours, or are they someone else's? What do you truly want your life to look like, and how does your business fit into that vision?

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