3 Excuses I Made Before Starting My Email List

In my previous blog post, What Your Tutor Business Marketing Plan Is Missing, I talk about how email marketing is a crucial component to running a successful tutoring business. 

Today I want to share three excuses I made before starting my email list. Although I had heard from many people that it was important, I put it off for months for the reasons below. Maybe you can relate!

EXCUSE 1: “People get so many emails every day. Why would they want to hear from me? I don't want to annoy them.” 

While it is true that people get a ton of emails every day, that shouldn’t stop you from email marketing.

According to research conducted by OptinMonster, 60% of customers said they have made purchases as a result of an email, whereas only 12.5% said they have purchased something directly through social media.¹ 

In other words, conversion rates (from followers to paid customers) are far higher through email marketing compared to social media.

EXCUSE 2: “Email marketing is too complicated, and I am not experienced enough to use it.”

I’m not going to lie to you. It took me probably 9 months before I finally put my foot down and changed my mindset towards email marketing. It is intimidating at first! But like most things in your business, so are most things on your very first try. The difference is, for email marketing you can rest assured knowing that the time you invest in learning how to use it will pay off in the long run. 

EXCUSE 3: Social media is easier and more fun. If I just keep up to date on every algorithm change, it will always work for me.

If you have been following me on Facebook for any length of time, it’s clear to see that I love social media! And when I emphasize the importance of email marketing, I am not suggesting that you throw everything else out the window. 

However, here’s the thing I want you to know about social media. You do not own Facebook or Instagram! You are on THEIR turf, which means you play by THEIR rules. So if they suddenly delete your account for an unexplained reason (cough… this happened to me) there’s nothing you can do about it. So you cannot rely on social media alone!

On the flip side, you own your email list. Even if the email service provider you had stopped working, you can still save your list of email subscribers. (That being said, make sure that you are backing up your email list to another source!) 

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As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I make 95% of my income through my emails. To be honest, I can only think of one instance in the past several months where someone bought a product without ever being on my email list.

So what are you waiting for? You can actually get access to the same tool I use for email marketing, for free. When I created my account, there was no free plan available so I had to start paying right away! Well times have changed, and now you can start using ConvertKit for free.

If you’re still not convinced.... here's another perk -- connecting with your subscribers!!

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